
Meet the Photographer

Hi, I'm Anaeka... and I'm SO pleased you've found me.... just a bit about my journey first... growing up through schooling I was always told Photography wasn't a 'real' career, or wasn't the career my parents wanted me to have! So I followed my Dad's footsteps and became an Optometrist!

It wasn't all bad as at the peak of my career I was testing the eyes of athletes and officials at the London 2012 Olympics, a true honour to be able to do this and I even have research published in my name.

But as it was never really my passion to begin with, I had to find the perfect blend of wanting to own my own business, taking photos and my love of children. It was in December 2020 when I took the decision to turn my photography passion into my career and I have never looked back!

I can't wait to meet you and see how I can help tell your story xx

My Style

I specialise in capturing natural lifestyle candid moments of your children, and also in creating soulful bespoke visuals for your Brand. This style of Photography is not just a headshot. It is visual storytelling encorporating your brand personality, ethos, colours and values to ensure I capture the essence of what you need to grow your business.

My style is true to colour (I don't stick weird green or orange filters on images) and light and airy as opposed to the dark and moody edit.

Working with children and businesses both come naturally to me.

My aim is to create a fun, enjoyable environment for play, which in turn catches genuine emotion and a story-telling style to showcase your products and services.

Soulful Imagery to Elevate your Brand


I love working with business owners, I spend time before your shoot really getting to know your brand values, what's important to you, what messages you want to convey and I ensure this is delivered through your photoshoot.

My images are harmonious, relaxed, informal, elevating, uplifting and really empowering. They are creative and soulful and will align you to your ideal clients.

Personal Branding
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